Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm an Aunt again....

Jason's sister Rebecca had a wonderful baby boy, Brayden, on Saturday, Feb. 16th at 9:42pm. He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz and was 21 inches long. We were at the hospital when he was born so we got to see him when he was just minutes old. Both Brayden and Bec are doing well. They had moments of fear when Rebecca had a fever of 104*F, then Brayden's umbilical cord was torn and he had pooped in the womb. But the doctor was smart and they got Brayeden out, pumped his stomach and a specialist checked him out, and he was fine. We keep thanking God that Rebecca's assigned Dr. was not the one on call that night, as he seemed incompetent during the pregnancy. So, PTL, both Bec and Brayden are strong, safe and healthy!

When I upload the pics from our camera, I'll post them.

1 comment:

Momma Amy said...

I'm looking forward to the pictures you mentioned yesterday! :)